Gas Comrade

Natural gas and carbon monoxide detection system has extra loud alarms as well as flashing strobe lights, depending on your need. There are also bed-vibrating fire alarms that have a component that goes under your pillow or mattress—depending on its strength—and alerts you to a fire by shaking you awake.

A-VRA 95

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) is a fun and engaging hearing test in young children. 
Pejvak Ava VRA system is a manually-controlled VRA tool and is a supplement to audiometers and traditional behavioral audiometry.
This device is a valuable accessory for your audiometry setup and will make hearing testing more fun for your pediatric patients.

Master Comrade

The main piece of the alerting devices that all the properties of this package will connect to it.

Vibrator Bracelet

Alerting devices mostly use types of signals like Visual (A bright flashing light) and Vibrotactile( A vibrating or shaking component). Based on your opinion, Vibro-tactile could be a bracelet or a pocket size cube. Every piece of the system has a special sign on bracelet/pocket size cube/ Light. For example if the doorbell comrade activates you can see red light, if the Baby Comrade activates the yellow light.

T-VRA 95

The Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) test measures hearing sensitivity and is for patients who are not able to perform traditional testing due to age or developmental limitations. The test is typically performed on children aged seven months to two and a half years.

Insert Phone PA3A

Audiometry is used to measure the sensitivity of hearing across frequencies. During audiometry, sounds are presented to the patient using different types of earphones.
Using insert earphones can lead to improved noise reduction and better interaural attenuation.

MEA Contra Headset

In acoustic reflex testing, acoustic immittance measures are used to assess the neural pathway surrounding the stapedial reflex, which occurs in response to a loud sound (70 to 90dB above threshold).

MEA Probe set

The acoustic reflex and the tympanogram are commonly used to assess middle ear function and are considered best practice. Each test yields invaluable information based on the delivery of acoustic energy (sound) to the ear canal.

Twins Middle Ear Analyzer

The Twins is an automatic middle ear analyzer ideal for both diagnostic and clinical evaluations. The device also includes pure tone audiometry .

PSA94 Screening Audiometer

An Audiometer delivers sounds at different frequencies and loudness levels with a circum-aural headphone. The patient raises a hand, presses a button or says “yes” when he/she hears sounds. The audiologist records the responses on an audiogram. Pure-tone testing presents tones across the speech spectrum (500 to 8,000 Hz) to determine if the patient’s hearing levels fall within normal limits. A quiet testing environment, calibrated audiometric equipment, and an audiologist are required for in-office testing. Pure-tone audiometry may help to appropriately refer patients to a clinical audiologist or otolaryngologist.